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Thursday, March 18, 2010


I think it amazing that on the other side of the world that an off duty policeman can put $20 in to my album and then tell me other ways to create the fund, not only that, he contacts the organization with a few to getting me in.

I feel that there is a hand greater than my own wanting and willing me on. There is so much out there that I need to learn about not giving up and moving forward.

For everyones information Russ Garcia has started to write the first few chords for the first song for you all to download: East of the Sun. I spoke to him on the phone today and he is a quiet man and quite lovely to talk to. He put me on speaker phone and at 94 he has better ears than I do.

Also, what is this jazz legend talking to the like of me...isn't that something out of a story book..well I seem to be living it...Thank You GOD!

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