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Saturday, March 20, 2010


I heard that Thomas Edison had 15,000 experiments before he came up with the light bulb. I heard also that when his laboratory was burning down he called his wife and daughter (or however, he communicated with them) and when he had them in his arms he said " I didn't want you to miss this, because you will never see a fire like this again!" He had the ultimate positive attitude.

I hope that in my endeavor that I will succeed. But I have already found that there are those that find ways of saying "you won't make it" .....they don't realize that I have had that all my life. Mrs Clare Olton, my primary school teacher wrote in my school report "Below average!" I remember my mother having read this was enraged and asked the question "What is average?" I simply had some difficulties learning new things quickly. When it came to music however, there was nothing to stop me, it was love at first "heard!"

In fact, some of you know that I teach voice right now. I have around 30 students all of which have varying abilities. There are some who other teachers have said they have no hope of singing. Some of it is personality or aptitude but there seems to be a thread that has formed since I have been teaching:
Whatever you think or others think of your voice, if you use the correct process for developing vocal technique and health you can overcome challenges in the areas of tone, flexibility, range, stamina and pitch problems, so long as you can shut out those that will laugh at you for trying. In fact, after a while you will be amazed at how quickly some will gain respect for you sheer determination...and one day ability.

So I pretty much think that this applies to any endeavor. Let those that laugh, laugh..let those who have no hope in you, continue in that vain, for non of their thoughts have anything to do with your progression. In fact, their breath has been wasted, where as your breath has brought new life and creation through expression.....and so what if you fail? What a fantastic journey along the road, have you been hurt? Humiliated? Feel you've wasted time? Been scrutinized? Chosen foolishly? Cried? Depleted of energy? Denied the Glory of success, the moment of triumph? Ok so you only went 6 rounds in stead of 12 and there wasn't any 2nd chance.....the fact still remains, you were the only one in the ring taking the punches!

So I ask you, am I in the ring on my own? Do I waste breath, will no one hear my songs? Has anyone here taken a punch with me?
Well I am the least alone person in the world; An amazing wife, four amazing daughters, God on my side and as a witness, and YOU! If you are supporting me then of course you are with me and I am not alone. I also have neigh-sayers and an enemy in the ring...and even if it was the enemy and me alone, I would not in fact be alone, for if I have an enemy, then I must be worth fighting, and in this I find great comfort..........are you with me?

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I think it amazing that on the other side of the world that an off duty policeman can put $20 in to my album and then tell me other ways to create the fund, not only that, he contacts the organization with a few to getting me in.

I feel that there is a hand greater than my own wanting and willing me on. There is so much out there that I need to learn about not giving up and moving forward.

For everyones information Russ Garcia has started to write the first few chords for the first song for you all to download: East of the Sun. I spoke to him on the phone today and he is a quiet man and quite lovely to talk to. He put me on speaker phone and at 94 he has better ears than I do.

Also, what is this jazz legend talking to the like of me...isn't that something out of a story book..well I seem to be living it...Thank You GOD!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I do not see myself as an educated man. Although I was once described as "Surprisingly Knowledgeable".... what that means I am not sure but I shall take it as a compliment. ... compliments are rare things so I shall accept them when they spring up:-)

I see the personality of an individual and ask myself ..."am I as big as that?" by that I ask if I can fill the room when needed. In fact I think I fill the room a little too often.
Being a father of four beautiful girls makes imperative that I almost remove my personality from the equation. I find this hard, as a performer and for most part as a human participating in life and doing what I do, being a personality, gigging, singing etc the "Personality" is a tool for laughter and the purchase of friendship...I guess we all use it by default or design.

The more substantial me is the Character of the man, but where is he in relation to that large personality. Don't tell me the character has taken a back seat! Well may be! So where has he gone. The personality will often be taken to the place where the "principled" Character will not go. And so, what am I to do...live a different life by day and night???

I have the answer but the real Charlie, the Character who lives a joyous but defined life gives way sometimes to personality because he is vibrant and funny. Yet Personality can be such a bore...(sp) never know if that is the right way to say that.

It was Susan Boyle who was so genuine last year and this I believe is where I must be. I must be publicly able to be humiliated and ripped in order for the Character to be seen. She is and was herself ...well done Susan.

So I hope to win people over with this personality and then allow more of the refined Character to come through and win hearts not just friends. The friends I had in the UK are far away from me now I live in New Zealand. But hopeful after 25 years of knowing me they will know that when you put a $1 in my pocket for this album, they are not supporting Charlie the supposed icon but their friend and someone who wants to be with them and longs for them to know he cares but is just too far away right now.

Forget my personality and the very public way I flaunt it. There are better parts to be shown, I hope these will be more frequently seen by the audience......
Love to all my future readers and bloggers alike!

Does anyone have the answer?

I feel a bit old right now. I am 40 but you all will say that in fact that may not be old at all.

But I have this feeling that I want to do something great with my life and it has always been music. This is the time.

I have set up a web-site and I am looking for funding from people all over the world. You can take a look at it on www.charliekurtz.com and if you want to give something please do.

You see I know that there are people out there who like jazz and swing and the era of the Big Band and I love it too. But more than that, I love the dream of it. I want people to be a part of it and follow me and like what I do....but I need people.

Should there be an age limit on success? Should Paul Pots (39) or Susan Boyle (48) have their dreams taken away because they don't look the part or they are too old.. I have big eyebrows and slightly bucked teeth but I promise you it has never stopped my voice from functioning.

So I want you all to come with me....I need $'s and fans. I don't care if you give me $2 or $2000 it doesn't matter the album I am creating is going to happen and many people in the world want this success and I want them to have it with me.

I live in New Zealand, far away from the rest of the world, but I have never felt more in touch with the rest of the world. And here I am asking you to help, and I don't know who you are but I would like you to discover me.

Do you want a new jazz icon? Is there room enough for another jazz voice in the world?

Please have a look at my web-site and get involved and be a part of the success from the beginning. We can win together.

I am a father of 4 beautiful girls and they have to see me win.

Look if you want to donate something here is a PayPal button and it just helps me get that little bit closer:
Donator Options

If you read the web-site it will tell you that there loads of options to get a download of the album when it is recorded and to have share in its profits.
Anyway, I might be waffling, but wanted you to know that this man will be grateful always for your help.
Let's keep jazz alive